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Authors starting with 'Y'

  1. Verdi Yahooda (Book Title: Guidelines to the System, ID: GB/10639)
  2. Yuko Yamamoto (Book Title: Paper Foods, ID: GB/11982)
  3. Maki Yamashita (Book Title: Black Ice and Rain, ID: GB/11725)
  4. Loretta Yarlow (Book Title: I Thought I Was Going on a Trip But I Was Only Going Down Stairs, ID: GB/11081)
  5. Yaron (Book Title: Song of Songs, ID: GB/7278)
  6. John Yau (Book Title: Letter from Marina, ID: GB/12445)
  7. John Yau (Book Title: Why I Am Still a Poet, ID: GB/30533)
  8. Alice Yeates (Book Title: Cycle, ID: GB/12073)
  9. W. B. Yeats (Book Title: Gyres-Source of Imagery, ID: GB/11328)
  10. W. B. Yeats (Book Title: Mermaid, ID: GB/125)
  11. W. B. Yeats (Book Title: Poems of Place, ID: GB/7280)
  12. W. B. Yeats (Book Title: Poems of W. B. Yeats, ID: GB/12454)
  13. Maggie Yee (Book Title: Folio 94, ID: GB/12380)
  14. Maggie Yee (Book Title: Folio 94, ID: GB/12378)
  15. Maggie Yee (Book Title: Folio 94, ID: GB/12379)
  16. Imin Yeh (Book Title: Exit, ID: GB/31663)
  17. The Yes Men (Book Title: Catalog / Exhibition, ID: GB/15462)
  18. Daisuke Yokota (Book Title: Floating Worlds, ID: GB/15635)
  19. Jeannie Meejin Yoon (Book Title: 1001 Skyscrapers, ID: GB/7282)
  20. Jeannie Meejin Yoon (Book Title: Absence, ID: GB/7283)
  21. Jeannie Meejin Yoon (Book Title: Hybrid Cartographies, ID: GB/7284)
  22. Yeo Woong Yoon (Book Title: Edition No. 0, ID: GB/11368)
  23. Arthur Yorinks (Book Title: Mommy?, ID: GB/12919)
  24. Shimizu Yoshinori (Book Title: Jack and Betty Forever, ID: GB/11452)
  25. Shimizu Yoshinori (Book Title: Jack and Betty Forever, ID: GB/11012)
  26. Shimizu Yoshinori (Book Title: Safe Method to Pass University Entrance Exams in the Subject of Japanese, ID: GB/11482)
  27. Kyung Eun You (Book Title: Where Are We Now, ID: GB/30529)
  28. C. M. Young (Book Title: Some Observations on the Diseases of Brunus edwardii (Species nova), ID: GB/30578)
  29. Edward Young (Book Title: Complaint: or, Night Thoughts, ID: GB/7289)
  30. Gary Young (Book Title: In Japan, ID: GB/15338)
  31. Gary Young (Book Title: In Japan, ID: GB/15338)
  32. Timothy Younge (Book Title: Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France, ID: GB/16875)
  33. Qu Yuan (Book Title: Ohne Wolken, ID: GB/11424)
  34. Susan Hunt Yule (Book Title: Souvenir of New York, ID: GB/7295)
  35. Ji Yun-Fei (Book Title: Three Gorges Dam Migration, ID: GB/12577)

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